Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Summer Vacation 2013

Posted: September 17, 2013 in Uncategorized

Hello guys,

       I am gonna writ about my summer vacation.  Last summer, I went home. The best and the shortest way to go there is by plane. So I booked a trip from smart fares website. It was a round trip ticket and it has one stop, from Chicago, Frankfort, Jeddah and Jeddah, Frankfort, Chicago. I enjoyed the trip to Jeddah, Frankfort airport was amazing. On Jeddah airport my father in law was waiting for me and my wife. I went to Mecca and I visited my family.  The weather in both Mecca and Jeddah was very hot and humidity. I went to Jeddah and visited my family in law. Jeddah has many interesting places to visit, my wife and I went to several places such as Fakeha Aquarium and it was amazing and wonderful and we also enjoyed going to Mersal village. I went to Albaha and visited my grandmas and grandfathers. Albaha has a very cold and nice weather. I like going there to relax in the nice weather and beautiful views of green mountains. On 2th September I came to Urbana by bus from Chicago airport. That’s it.


Albaha Picture 


Mansour Alzaharni

Posted: September 10, 2013 in Uncategorized


   My name is Mansour. I am 28 years old .I am married.  I am from Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Actually, I am a nurse in my country, but in the USA I am studying English at the IEI. I live in Urbana. I worked in hospital for 6 years ago. I was born in Albaha city. Whatever, my favorite subjects are reading and writing. My hobbits are playing soccer, swimming and video games. My father’s name is Abdullah. He is a businessman. My mother’s name is Rahma. she is a house wife. I have 7 sibling brothers and sisters. That is all about my self.

have a great day guys.




This is name King Fahd fountain. This is the tallest of its type of fountain in the world. Located in Jeddah city, west cost of kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Actually, the fountain jets water 312 meter above red sea. The fountain is visible throughout the entire vicinity of Jeddah.  



To improve my Writing

Posted: July 30, 2013 in Uncategorized

  There are many steps to improve your writing and your skills. First, writing essay. Second, writing quick writing in class. Next, writing by WordPress. Actually, write a blog about my self or about any anything in my life that is a good things.Whatever, writing very important for anyone do you want learn any language in the world. WordPress website  is a beautiful program for anyone wants to learn English writing. I like WordPress ,because privacy website and save my blog in the website. My Word press changed my writing to right way. I like everything about Word Press, because it’s helped me more. I can’t remember bad things about Word press. I like blog topic I wrote about introduce my self. Whatever, writing needs more thinking and quick response. Word press was helping me to much and my writing skills. Sometimes in was reading and comments  to our classmate I got new news and Knowledge. In short,  Word Press kind of programs help and improve writing skills.    

living in Urbana- Champaign

Posted: July 24, 2013 in Uncategorized

     I have been living in Urbana- Champaign for a year. I like this county. I live in 2 bedrooms and 2 bath apartment in downtown Urbana. Actually, life in the USA is different than in Saudi Arabia. The first effect on me was that I couldn’t communicate in English and American people are talking fast. I gradually made contact with American culture, and further experienced cultural differences. The American culture is definitely different from the Saudi Arabia culture.  Life in the USA totally dependence on myself. My life changed 100% since I came to the US. I walk every day for school and hung out with my wife more often. I use public transportation. Life in the USA is easy.  Weather Urbana- Champaign in is crazy it might be hot, cold and humidity in one day. American people are awesome and outgoing. I like the USA very much.


studying abroad

Posted: July 16, 2013 in Uncategorized

Studying abroad is a great experience, it always has good benefits. If anyone have an opportunity to study abroad he/she must take it. I was honored to be a part of King Abdullah Foreign Scholarship Program. I am planning to get a bachelor degree from an American university. The first step is to improve my English skills. Second, Understanding of heritage of US and culture. Third, Increased self-reliance and Increase self-confidence. In addition, I had the chose to choose a country from different countries, and I chose to study in the U.S for many different reasons. The main reason was that the United State have different cultures and Americans most of the time accept other cultures. Being in a country that accept other is important to do well in your study.


Aboring Person

Posted: June 27, 2013 in Uncategorized

      Friends are people who support your life from the beginning and through the end, and with your best interests at heart. They’re sounding boards, guides and shoulders to lean on. There are times when, for one reason or other, we lack friends. For some people this is a choice, and not a problem at all. Whatever, some people or friends don’t like that boring person and he/she become lost a lot of friends. Boring person is a person who lacks variety and ambition. They like to sit at home, and hardly leave the house. Traveling is not even a thought in the back of their mind, lazy, gossip, no goals…etc. Everyone doesn’t want accompanied by someone boring. In our ordinary lives, are often looking for friends and People are funny and awesome to add happy in our life, we try as much as possible to get away from people who are always complaining, and they like nothing. I think that I am a Boring Person? If you think that you are a boring person need diagnostic yourself and evaluation and change your life.


Posted: June 20, 2013 in Uncategorized

     My name is Mansour Alzahrani. I’m 27 years old ready to be 28 years old next month. I’M from Mecca, Saudi Arabia. I’m a nurse in my country, but in the U.S.A. I am studying English at the IEI. I’m married and I don’t have children. I live in Urbana, IL. My father is a Businessman and my mother is housewife, I have 7 siblings both sisters and brothers. I have a lot of hobbies, and my best hobbies are playing soccer and volley ball. My positive points are that I like to help people and try to solve their problems.Image

I love WordPress

Posted: April 30, 2013 in Uncategorized

actually, write a blog about my self or about any anything in my life that is a good things. whatever writing very important for anyone do you want learn any language in the world. WordPress website  is a beautiful program for anyone wants to learn English writing. I like WordPress ,because privacy website and save my blog in the website. WordPress looks like treasury for my writing and my blogs. i can’t remember bad things about WordPress  because everything in the WordPress is a pretty good. I wrote 13 blogs that a good news for me. Actually, WordPress help me a lot for writing and give me confident when writing. I offer deep thanks and appreciation to you, because taught me and I improve too much for writing. Thank you a lot Lisa, I will miss you.   Image

I can’t forget…

Posted: April 23, 2013 in Uncategorized

      First, these is a very nice topic to talk about top Spring semester. My favorite class this spring is called Writing. I’m taking this class with Lisa. She is a fantastic and Awesome writing teacher in IEI. We’re writing  really interesting  like blog, opinion, description and process.I feel really comfortable sharing my thoughts with my friends. I really appreciate having the opportunity to gain insight from my classmates. we spend the whole 2 hour discussing our analysis of the academic writing together and we learned how written essay and paragraph. Thank you Lisa and Provided us with everything. I can’t forget 300 B   and writing class. Image

My favorite time

Posted: April 16, 2013 in Uncategorized

My favorite time In the evening. I played soccer with my friends in outdoor. I came back my home. I’m always happy to see my wife and to partake in the activities we have together. we read a few books. we find this to be my quiet time and we do our homework. we cooked our dinner. we watched any program on the television. I help my wife for clean my home and wash my clothes. sometimes we love standing outside in my balcony. I spent a lot of time an internet and Facebook. I have always loved the evening, when everything is quiet and the house is peaceful. I love evening time, because I see my wife and help her every time. Have a peaceful evening.Image