Summer Vacation 2013

Posted: September 17, 2013 in Uncategorized

Hello guys,

       I am gonna writ about my summer vacation.  Last summer, I went home. The best and the shortest way to go there is by plane. So I booked a trip from smart fares website. It was a round trip ticket and it has one stop, from Chicago, Frankfort, Jeddah and Jeddah, Frankfort, Chicago. I enjoyed the trip to Jeddah, Frankfort airport was amazing. On Jeddah airport my father in law was waiting for me and my wife. I went to Mecca and I visited my family.  The weather in both Mecca and Jeddah was very hot and humidity. I went to Jeddah and visited my family in law. Jeddah has many interesting places to visit, my wife and I went to several places such as Fakeha Aquarium and it was amazing and wonderful and we also enjoyed going to Mersal village. I went to Albaha and visited my grandmas and grandfathers. Albaha has a very cold and nice weather. I like going there to relax in the nice weather and beautiful views of green mountains. On 2th September I came to Urbana by bus from Chicago airport. That’s it.


Albaha Picture 


  1. Hello Mansour,

    That was interesting for me about Frankfurt Am mine international airport. How was feeling in the airport? Are facillities provide service well? As a matter of fact, I have some plan to visit Germany. But I never visit to Germany and I don’t know Germany well. If you give some information or advice for me, I really appreciate it.

  2. mhowiml says:

    Hi Mansour,
    You had an interesting trip. It is amazing to visit Mecca. I love to visit it many times a year. Your trip is too long. It is about 14 hours, but it is exciting because you saw your family. Anyway, I like Albaha picture. I wish to visit it because I know many friends from Albaha city and the weather is always nice there.



  3. malsalul2 says:

    Dear Mansour,

    Your feeling and emotions about your tour reflect method of writing. It was interesting vacation with your family. You visit home via plane but air Itinerary was indirect trip to Saudi Arabia. In my opinion, it tough travel when you stop two times in different countries. Now Saudi airline will create a new line from Chicago to Saudi Arabia directly. Finally, when I read your tour in Saudi Arabia, I felt homesick and I miss my parents, brothers and sisters.

    Best wishes,

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