Mansour Alzaharni

Posted: September 10, 2013 in Uncategorized


   My name is Mansour. I am 28 years old .I am married.  I am from Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Actually, I am a nurse in my country, but in the USA I am studying English at the IEI. I live in Urbana. I worked in hospital for 6 years ago. I was born in Albaha city. Whatever, my favorite subjects are reading and writing. My hobbits are playing soccer, swimming and video games. My father’s name is Abdullah. He is a businessman. My mother’s name is Rahma. she is a house wife. I have 7 sibling brothers and sisters. That is all about my self.

have a great day guys.




This is name King Fahd fountain. This is the tallest of its type of fountain in the world. Located in Jeddah city, west cost of kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Actually, the fountain jets water 312 meter above red sea. The fountain is visible throughout the entire vicinity of Jeddah.  



  1. hajd33 says:

    Hi Mansour,

    Thanks to share us these information about you
    We are from the same city and I’m happy to know that
    I really love mecca, and this is the longest time for me I didn’t see it 😦
    I was born and lived there, but after I got married I lived in Jeddah, but I was going to mecca
    every week because my family there. also sometimes we were stay in a hotel near of the holy mosque “Al-Haram” to go for pray. I have a lot of nice memories there and I’m excited to go back again.

    Thank you,

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