Archive for June, 2013

Aboring Person

Posted: June 27, 2013 in Uncategorized

      Friends are people who support your life from the beginning and through the end, and with your best interests at heart. They’re sounding boards, guides and shoulders to lean on. There are times when, for one reason or other, we lack friends. For some people this is a choice, and not a problem at all. Whatever, some people or friends don’t like that boring person and he/she become lost a lot of friends. Boring person is a person who lacks variety and ambition. They like to sit at home, and hardly leave the house. Traveling is not even a thought in the back of their mind, lazy, gossip, no goals…etc. Everyone doesn’t want accompanied by someone boring. In our ordinary lives, are often looking for friends and People are funny and awesome to add happy in our life, we try as much as possible to get away from people who are always complaining, and they like nothing. I think that I am a Boring Person? If you think that you are a boring person need diagnostic yourself and evaluation and change your life.


Posted: June 20, 2013 in Uncategorized

     My name is Mansour Alzahrani. I’m 27 years old ready to be 28 years old next month. I’M from Mecca, Saudi Arabia. I’m a nurse in my country, but in the U.S.A. I am studying English at the IEI. I’m married and I don’t have children. I live in Urbana, IL. My father is a Businessman and my mother is housewife, I have 7 siblings both sisters and brothers. I have a lot of hobbies, and my best hobbies are playing soccer and volley ball. My positive points are that I like to help people and try to solve their problems.Image