Archive for February, 2013

Valentine’s Day

Posted: February 19, 2013 in Uncategorized

Today I will talk about valentine day. On the February 14 each year. Everyone celebrated with my family or friends or girlfriend. It’s celebrated in many countries around the world. Some people are like gifts or flowers red color. Valentina’s day is celebrated in some East Asian countries. Chinese and South Koreans are spending the most money on Valentine’s gifts. In my country religious police banned sale of all Valentine’s day items and close shop on the day and telling shop workers to remove any red items. Some people I’m my country celebrated.



Posted: February 13, 2013 in Uncategorized

I’m Mansour Alzahrani. I want to talk about my birthday. My birthday was on 6th of July. I celebrated with my wife and my family and my friends. I ate carrot cake and apple pie , it was delicious. I was happy during my birth day because celebrated with my family. I went to the hotel that day with my wife. I watched TV with my wife and I went to shopped. My wife gave me nice gift. I met my friends and we played video games and soccer. My father in law gave me Chocolate.



Posted: February 12, 2013 in Uncategorized

Ramadan is a holy month for all Muslims. In this month, the Holy Quran was descended to prophet Mohammed, (peace be upon him.) Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam. Every adult Muslim must stop eating and drinking during the days of Ramadan. The main idea of fasting is a spiritual one. It gives an idea about the suffering of the poor. It also teacher a lesson in self-control. fasting also means keeping away from everything which may harm others. Ramadan is the month of worship and charity. Rich people help poor people. Everyone forgets his problems and forgives others.


My Family

Posted: February 5, 2013 in Uncategorized

Today I will talk about my family. I have 4 sibling. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. My father is 65 years old. He is a business man. My mother is 55 years old. He is a teacher. My brother older than me he is assist Director of ministry health. He is 40 years old. He is married. He has 3 children. My sister older than me is a doctor. She is 35 years old. She is married. She has 4 children.
